Thursday, July 30, 2009


So my truly wonderful husband and I had a slight disagreement on completing things 50% vs. 100%. Now I will not go into detail about the disagreement but I would just like to take a step back and look at all the great things that are less than 100% complete.... Certainly the world is not made up of all 100-Percenters and I know for a fact that my loving, sweet, handsome husband has not completed everything 100%... Darren if you are reading this, I am talking about the dishes from dinner last weekend that you were going to finish in 5 Minutes :)

I guess my point is that even though some things are not 100% complete that doesn't necessarily mean that they are terrible... I think it is important to appreciate the completed part and if the remaining incomplete part is that important then it can be submitted for review by the panel (whoever that is).

I have created a list of incomplete things to defend my argument...

My top 3 Awesome things that are not 100%

1. The Movie, "The Day After Tomorrow" how can they simply end the movie with people migrating to Mexico.. what happens next? Do we rebuild civilization or not?!?! Despite the fact I feel the movie was incomplete because the ending was missing it was an awesome movie, and I will continue to watch it on the cable networks when there is nothing else on tv.

2. Shorts... self explanatory. Obviously shorts were made because some genius decided to make a pair of pants that were only 50% complete... Personally I love shorts and I would be miserable wearing pants in 107 degrees. (Please be advised this is strictly opinion only!)

3. Pedicures... now I am not going to knock pedicures for one minute.. I will take a pedicure over pretty much anything at any given time.. there is something fabulous about pedicures that just drive me crazy! The only thing I want to point out is maybe the pedicures are not being completed 100%. I think the salons need to scratch the term "Pedicure" along with the term "Manicure" and lets just do "Cures" How fabulous would it be to walk into a salon and ask for a "Cure" and just know that not only are your feet going to be "Cured" but your hands will also be "Cured". I don't think people should be given an option on whether to "Cure" their hands or feet.. are they even comparable??? Even though I feel as if my "Cures" are only completing half.. pedicures are still quite amazing!

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