Thursday, July 30, 2009


So my truly wonderful husband and I had a slight disagreement on completing things 50% vs. 100%. Now I will not go into detail about the disagreement but I would just like to take a step back and look at all the great things that are less than 100% complete.... Certainly the world is not made up of all 100-Percenters and I know for a fact that my loving, sweet, handsome husband has not completed everything 100%... Darren if you are reading this, I am talking about the dishes from dinner last weekend that you were going to finish in 5 Minutes :)

I guess my point is that even though some things are not 100% complete that doesn't necessarily mean that they are terrible... I think it is important to appreciate the completed part and if the remaining incomplete part is that important then it can be submitted for review by the panel (whoever that is).

I have created a list of incomplete things to defend my argument...

My top 3 Awesome things that are not 100%

1. The Movie, "The Day After Tomorrow" how can they simply end the movie with people migrating to Mexico.. what happens next? Do we rebuild civilization or not?!?! Despite the fact I feel the movie was incomplete because the ending was missing it was an awesome movie, and I will continue to watch it on the cable networks when there is nothing else on tv.

2. Shorts... self explanatory. Obviously shorts were made because some genius decided to make a pair of pants that were only 50% complete... Personally I love shorts and I would be miserable wearing pants in 107 degrees. (Please be advised this is strictly opinion only!)

3. Pedicures... now I am not going to knock pedicures for one minute.. I will take a pedicure over pretty much anything at any given time.. there is something fabulous about pedicures that just drive me crazy! The only thing I want to point out is maybe the pedicures are not being completed 100%. I think the salons need to scratch the term "Pedicure" along with the term "Manicure" and lets just do "Cures" How fabulous would it be to walk into a salon and ask for a "Cure" and just know that not only are your feet going to be "Cured" but your hands will also be "Cured". I don't think people should be given an option on whether to "Cure" their hands or feet.. are they even comparable??? Even though I feel as if my "Cures" are only completing half.. pedicures are still quite amazing!

Almost August Already?!?!?!

Today I was looking at the calendar trying to figure out why in the world the Vail School District does not have school on Monday.. its not a holiday and for goodness sake they have only been in school for 2 weeks!!!

While trying to convince myself that the calendar was off and there was clearly some holiday or event missing from my calendar I realized we are 2 days away from August... where has time gone??

Hailey's birthday is on the 23rd and I haven't even started thinking about places to have it at.. I guess with all the craziness lately things have just gotten overlooked. So now I need to scramble to get somewhere reserved (I'm thinking somewhere we can avoid the heat!) and get some invitations sent out. 3 weeks and counting... wow!

Other news... I am going back to school to finally complete my degree! Classes start August 26th and I cannot wait! I feel like it has taken me forever to get to this point, but going forward it should all be a breeze.. I am so excited!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My New Blog!

I have decided to start a Recipe Blog.. I just added my first recipe! You can check it out!!

Hope you Enjoy!

Monday, July 27, 2009

There may be pain in the night, But Joy comes in the morning

July 22nd we found out the baby's heartbeat which was once beating was now completely gone. In addition, the baby only grew 1 week and a day. This was a really tough pill to swallow for Darren and I, I don't think we were quite expecting this.

Like everything in life, we were ready to see where to go from there. The fabulous doctor we have explained our options which were quite simple... we could wait up to 3 weeks for the baby to miscarry on its own, or we could schedule a D & C. To start the healing process sooner, we opted for the D & C and scheduled it for Monday the 27th (Today).

Today was a very painful both emotionally and physically. I think this was a good thing for us, because now we can move forward and let our scars heal. I have always lived by the line that "Time heals all wounds". I think this is such a true statement especially in instances like this.

We will never know why this happened, or what made this happen, all we know is that going forward we are stronger because of this. Darren and I have been able to grow through this experience and we have had a lot of time to emotionally reflect on what has happened.

I think we are ready to move forward and what may be in the future will be.

Thank you everyone for your support and kind thoughts during this difficult time. We feel as though a piece of our family has been lost, but moving forward we have 4 amazing children to get us through this!

Coming up we have Hailey's 8th Birthday, so we are looking forward to planning that! I cannot believe how she has grown.. she continues to amaze me everyday!

We will keep you updated on any new news in our family!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Our Camping Trip

Saturday July 11th we decided to go on a camping trip to Mt. Lemmon. Hailey was with a friend so we took Dylan, Kyle and Chloe. We took the kids fishing, bought homemade fudge and made smores!
At about 10pm that night someone threw a rock at our tent hitting Kyle in the head. We ended up in the emergency room until around 1:30. Kyle ended up getting 1 stitch and a tetanus shot.

It definitely was not the way we planned on our camping trip going, but thankfully Kyle is ok now.

We will try again in a few weeks!

Our Camping Trip Pictures

Friday, July 10, 2009

8 Week Appointment

On Wednesday July 8th we had our 8 week appointment. Dr. Eisenberg was great, however there were a few concerns.

We did our ultrasound (note the pictures) and he was very concerned that the baby was only measuring 7 weeks and the heartbeat was only at 120 beats per minute, where it should be at around 160.

We scheduled a follow up ultrasound for Wednesday July 22nd. We are crossing our fingers that everything will be great!