I was hoping when 2009 departed it would take the craziness with it. Our first weekend of 2010 was spent in a hospital overseeing Darren's mom who had been rushed to the hospital and it was later determined that she had a blood clot in her brain. It was a very scary weekend, but thankfully she is doing great, and recovering well.
With 2010 now in full swing, we have some exciting things coming our way. As I mentioned in previous posts, we have a baby who will be arriving this summer, Chloe will be starting kindergarten and some other big projects are in the works which we are completely thrilled about, but will be discussing later because its just to soon!
Other than that we had an awesome Christmas, and a Happy New Year. For now we are loving the Tucson "winter" weather, with Hi's in the 70's, but as we all know, this to shall pass.
I hope everyone had a great holiday season, and what the heck lets do it again next year!