Life as usual has dealt some completely random things. Its amazing how one action can have such a unexpected outcome. Its one of those things where you wake up and you can't remember whether or not you are dreaming. Some of you may know what I am talking about, others will find out over time I am sure.
Other news, the kids are out of school for the next 3 weeks for their fall break. It will be nice to have Hailey home during the day, the hard part will be keeping her busy. We are contemplating a trip up to the Grand Canyon the last week the kids are out of school, we will see whether or not it works out.
School for me has been going well, there is 1 class in particular where the instructor must be convinced that I have nothing better to do with my time, so she piles on the homework. Luckily we are almost half way through the semester!
I have posted some pictures from last night.. we went to Chuy's near our home and ended up having a blast! We sat on the patio and there ended up being live music. Amy was down for Phoenix, so she joined us.